Annex A (informative) Release Notes

Version 2.1 of the RIN standard provides clarity about the scope of a RIN file and defines what a single RIN file may contain.

Version 2.0 of the RIN standard provides a major update to the way RIN information is shared between RIN Processors in that it now defies an XML-formatted message instead of a file format. In addition, RIN 2.0 no longer differentiates between a "Full Profile" and a "Minimum Profile". As a consequence: 

  • RIN now defines SFTP and Web Service choreographies for the exchange of RIN messages in Clause 5;

  • RIN explicitly defines that the scope of a RIN message is one "deliverable", i.e. a set of recording components that are intended to be mixed and mastered into a single finished sound recording (see Clause 6.2); 

  • The syntax of the RIN message differs from earlier RIN files, created in accordance to the Full Profile, as follows:

    • The FileHeader has been replaced with a MessageHeader;

    • MessageVersionId has been added into the MessageHeader to allow sequencing RIN messages;

    • An AvsVersionId attribute has been added into the root tag of the RecordingInformationNotification to allow pointing to a specific version of the underlying allowed value sets;

    • The Genre composite now supports both free-form genres as well as GenreCategories as used in others DDEX standards;

    • MayBeShared attribute has been added to the PartyRelationship tag to allow signalling that a Party-Party relationship may (or may not) be forwarded by the message recipient to third parties;

    • SoundRecordingFileReference tag has been added to the SoundRecording composite to allow describing the file in which the audio of that sound recording is stored;

    • RecordingComponentEquipmentReference has been added into the RecordingComponent composite to allow describing a component that has been used when creating the recording component (note, instruments and equipment used by a specific contributor in their contributions are handled in the Contributor composite); and

    • A new Instrument composite has been added into the Equipment list to differentiate instruments from other (recording/mixing/mastering) equipment. As a consequence the Equipment composite was slightly updated.

Version 1.1 of the RIN standard contains minor changes from Version 1.0; they include:

  • Ability to communicate how artist information should be displayed as part of a title;

  • Ability to communicate display credits;

  • A file-naming convention;

  • Correction of errors in artists role codes; and

  • A series of smaller changes to closer align the RIN file format with messages defined in other DDEX Standards, particularly ERN and MLC.