Recording Information Notification

Go back to the overview page for the Recording Information Notification standards here.

Read the text of the current version 2.1

What's changed in this version?

 Read the release notes
Version 2.1 of the RIN standard provides clarity about the scope of a RIN file and defines what a single RIN file may contain.

Version 2.0 of the RIN standard provides a major update to the way RIN information is shared between RIN Processors in that it now defies an XML-formatted message instead of a file format. In addition, RIN 2.0 no longer differentiates between a "Full Profile" and a "Minimum Profile". As a consequence: 

  • RIN now defines SFTP and Web Service choreographies for the exchange of RIN messages in Clause 5;

  • RIN explicitly defines that the scope of a RIN message is one "deliverable", i.e. a set of recording components that are intended to be mixed and mastered into a single finished sound recording (see Clause 6.2); 

  • The syntax of the RIN message differs from earlier RIN files, created in accordance to the Full Profile, as follows:

    • The FileHeader has been replaced with a MessageHeader;

    • MessageVersionId has been added into the MessageHeader to allow sequencing RIN messages;

    • An AvsVersionId attribute has been added into the root tag of the RecordingInformationNotification to allow pointing to a specific version of the underlying allowed value sets;

    • The Genre composite now supports both free-form genres as well as GenreCategories as used in others DDEX standards;

    • MayBeShared attribute has been added to the PartyRelationship tag to allow signalling that a Party-Party relationship may (or may not) be forwarded by the message recipient to third parties;

    • SoundRecordingFileReference tag has been added to the SoundRecording composite to allow describing the file in which the audio of that sound recording is stored;

    • RecordingComponentEquipmentReference has been added into the RecordingComponent composite to allow describing a component that has been used when creating the recording component (note, instruments and equipment used by a specific contributor in their contributions are handled in the Contributor composite); and

    • A new Instrument composite has been added into the Equipment list to differentiate instruments from other (recording/mixing/mastering) equipment. As a consequence the Equipment composite was slightly updated.

Version 1.1 of the RIN standard contains minor changes from Version 1.0; they include:

  • Ability to communicate how artist information should be displayed as part of a title;

  • Ability to communicate display credits;

  • A file-naming convention;

  • Correction of errors in artists role codes; and

  • A series of smaller changes to closer align the RIN file format with messages defined in other DDEX Standards, particularly ERN and MLC.

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