5.2.2 File naming convention

Each RIN message shall be named as follows: LabelProjectId_PlatformProjectId_ExportId_TitleId_RinCreationDateTime.rin with

  • LabelProjectId which is an identifier, usually provided by the initial producer, to identify a recording project to be delivered as part of a contractual relationship between an artist(s) and the initial producer of the creation(s), data about all or part of which is contained in the RIN message;

  • PlatformProjectId which is an identifier, allocated by the RIN processor that is being used to create the RIN message that has a similar function to the LabelProjectId but which is allocated by the RIN processor, in the absence of a LabelProjectId;

  • ExportId which is an identifier, allocated by the RIN processor that is being used to create the RIN message, to identify a specific delivery or set of deliveries of RIN message(s) within a recording project (as identified by a LabelProjectId) or, in the absence of a LabelProjectId a PlatformProjectId;

  • TitleId which is an identifier that identifies the musical work that is embodied in one or more sound recordings, elements or recording components, of that musical work regardless of their readiness for exploitation, where the data about such musical work, sound recordings, elements or recording components is contained in the RIN message. This file name element may only be used if the RIN message contains data about exactly one deliverable; and

  • RinCreationDateTime which is the date and time on which the message was created. The only allowed format for this part of the file name is the full basic ISO 8601 without a time zone designator in the format: yyyymmddThhmmss. The time zone is assumed to be the one in which the message sender is located.

The file name elements may only contain letters a-z and A-Z, digits (0-9) and the dash character (Unicode U+002D).

When a file name element is to be omitted, the two underscore character(s) to separate each part from the other parts should follow each other immediately.

All file name parts, with the exception of the RinCreationDate, are optional. However, at least two file name parts, including the RinCreationDate must be provided.

RIN messages are XML files and, therefore can be opened with any XML editor. However, as opening a RIN message with a generic XML editor is of limited use to most users of RIN messages who would instead prefer that RIN messages are opened in a RIN processor. To enable computers to automatically launch such a RIN processor when a user wants to open a RIN message, it is recommended that RIN message files carry the file ending .rin and not .xml.

If for example, a RIN message, created on 31st March 2023 at 10pm, contains information about three deliverables for a project initiated by a record company and identified with a label project identifier of Lab1234 and an export identifier of 9876X the file name would be:


Because the PlatformProjectId and the TitleId parts of the file name are not present, the filename contains two sets of two consecutive underscore characters.